The Faces of KCPS

In the Knox County Public Schools we refer to our faculty, staff, and students as the KCPS Family. It takes all of us to teach one another, encourage and support individual needs, provide voice and insight, and make our schools an active learning community.

The Faces of KCPS is where you will have an opportunity to meet some of our family. We are lucky to have members with a wide range of talents, interests, and rich life experiences. The Faces of KCPS gives us an opportunity to profile these valuable members of the Knox County Public Schools.

During the month of February 2021, the state of Kentucky is celebrating our Family Resource and Youth Service Center coordinators.

In Knox County, we feel that our coordinators are #FRYSCStrong. They provide unique programs and services from kindergarten readiness to successful transitions to school and adult life. FRYSCs collaborate in the community to promote physical and mental health for families and students as well as opportunities for families to learn together in safe environments. We love our KCPS FRYSC.